The Biggest Oscars Plot Twist Happened At Barstool, Not In Hollywood

The combined forces of Feits, Marty Mush, PFT Commenter, Jeff D Lowe and KenJac did an Oscars Livestream contest during the big show on Sunday night. Viewers got to decide the punishment for the loser of the content in the form of gross ingredients to put into a milkshake. These were the rules…

1. Everyone drafted (snake order) one pick in all 24 categories
2. If someone’s nominee wins, you get one point
3. Audience decides during each commercial break on Twitter the next milkshake ingredient
- Each vote will consist of four good or bad ingredients
4. The two people with the lowest point totals at the end of the night square off over Best Picture

The problem? There was a tie and we had to add in Youngstown "Tonguestown" Bob after he made an egregious accounting error. Insanity ensued and it resulted in the grossest milkshake known to man.

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